Medieval Christmas Market 2009

a. The market  (101) (800x340, 63.0 kilobytes) a. The market (102) (683x512, 83.5 kilobytes) a. The market (103) (683x512, 106.7 kilobytes) a. The market (104) (683x512, 143.5 kilobytes) a. The market (105) (683x512, 117.5 kilobytes) a. The market (106) (683x512, 127.1 kilobytes)

a. The market (107) (683x512, 121.6 kilobytes) a. The market (108) (683x512, 83.1 kilobytes) a. The market (109) (683x512, 97.8 kilobytes) a. The market (110) (683x512, 128.7 kilobytes) a. The market (111) (683x512, 87.7 kilobytes) a. The market (112) (683x512, 99.0 kilobytes)

a. The market (113) (683x512, 135.2 kilobytes) a. The market (114) (683x512, 104.0 kilobytes) b. Unusual Xmas trees (201) (384x512, 72.1 kilobytes) b. Unusual Xmas trees (202) (384x512, 69.8 kilobytes) b. Unusual Xmas trees (203) (683x512, 88.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (301) (683x512, 110.4 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (302) (683x512, 100.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (303) (683x512, 105.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (304) (683x512, 109.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (305) (384x512, 68.8 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (306) (683x512, 92.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (307) (683x512, 83.3 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (308) (683x512, 92.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (309) (683x512, 73.6 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (310) (384x512, 48.3 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (311) (683x512, 60.3 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (312) (683x512, 66.0 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (313) (683x512, 104.0 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (314) (683x512, 95.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (315) (384x512, 49.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (316) (683x512, 105.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (317) (683x512, 97.3 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (318) (683x512, 77.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (319) (384x512, 52.4 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (320) (683x512, 78.2 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (321) (683x512, 55.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (322) (683x512, 87.8 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (323) (683x512, 76.9 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (324) (683x512, 102.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (325) (683x512, 68.2 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (326) (683x512, 87.9 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (327) (384x512, 47.6 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (328) (683x512, 98.4 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (329) (683x512, 103.6 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (330) (683x512, 78.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (331) (384x512, 62.1 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (332) (384x512, 59.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (333) (683x512, 120.9 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (334) (683x512, 88.0 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (335) (683x512, 78.0 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (336) (683x512, 88.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (337) (683x512, 49.2 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (338) (683x512, 107.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (339) (683x512, 98.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (340) (384x512, 59.9 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (341) (683x512, 60.6 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (342) (683x512, 93.4 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (343) (683x512, 77.6 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (344) (683x512, 75.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (345) (683x512, 109.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (346) (683x512, 98.2 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (347) (683x512, 85.8 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (348) (683x512, 80.4 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (349) (683x512, 68.8 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (350) (683x512, 74.7 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (351) (384x512, 47.1 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (352) (683x512, 72.3 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (353) (683x512, 100.2 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (354) (683x512, 112.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (355) (683x512, 75.6 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (356) (683x512, 77.8 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (357) (683x512, 80.5 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (358) (683x512, 74.4 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (359) (683x512, 88.9 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (360) (683x512, 91.8 kilobytes) c. Participants and goods for Sale (361) (683x512, 72.1 kilobytes)

c. Participants and goods for Sale (362) (384x512, 54.0 kilobytes) d. Snow Dancers (401) (683x512, 105.0 kilobytes) d. Snow Dancers (402) (683x512, 129.8 kilobytes) d. Snow Dancers (403) (683x512, 129.8 kilobytes) d. Snow Dancers (404) (683x512, 119.3 kilobytes) d. Snow Dancers (405) (683x512, 125.4 kilobytes)

e. Braving the weather (501) (683x512, 134.4 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (502) (384x512, 67.4 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (503) (683x512, 137.3 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (504) (683x512, 130.8 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (505) (683x512, 122.8 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (506) (683x512, 136.2 kilobytes)

e. Braving the weather (507) (683x512, 100.4 kilobytes) e. Braving the weather (508) (683x512, 93.4 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (601) (683x512, 106.8 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (602) (683x512, 60.0 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (603) (683x512, 93.5 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (604) (683x512, 108.6 kilobytes)

f. Huddled by the fire (605) (683x512, 71.0 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (606) (683x512, 82.7 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (607) (683x512, 96.7 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (608) (683x512, 83.4 kilobytes) f. Huddled by the fire (609) (683x512, 85.9 kilobytes)