July Progress on the new House

a. Readying our new hard hats (101) (683x512, 130.0 kilobytes) a. Readying our new hard hats (102) (384x512, 85.3 kilobytes) b. Janet-Anne models her new hard hat (683x512, 65.1 kilobytes) b. Jim in his new hard hat (384x512, 130.1 kilobytes) c. Some forms went up before the storm (683x512, 168.4 kilobytes)

d. Making progress slowly (683x512, 158.8 kilobytes) e. More forms are going up (101) (683x512, 212.3 kilobytes) e. More forms are going up (102) (683x512, 202.3 kilobytes) e. More forms are going up (103) (683x512, 166.8 kilobytes) e. More forms are going up (104) (683x512, 169.7 kilobytes)

e. That ditch is granite (384x512, 123.8 kilobytes) f. Preparing for the concrete (101 (683x512, 192.1 kilobytes) f. Preparing for the concrete (102) (683x512, 187.5 kilobytes) f. Preparing for the concrete (103) (683x512, 163.5 kilobytes) f. Preparing for the concrete (104) (683x512, 171.5 kilobytes)

f. Preparing for the concrete (105) (683x512, 175.4 kilobytes) f. Preparing for the concrete (106) (683x512, 167.7 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (101) (683x512, 150.7 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (102) (683x512, 179.4 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (103) (683x512, 176.7 kilobytes)

g. The framing has begun (104) (683x512, 162.3 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (105) (683x512, 173.5 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (106) (683x512, 205.0 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (107) (683x512, 196.1 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (108) (683x512, 144.8 kilobytes)

g. The framing has begun (109) (683x512, 149.8 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (110) (683x512, 148.9 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (111) (683x512, 126.6 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (112) (384x512, 74.8 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (113) (683x512, 199.0 kilobytes)

g. The framing has begun (114) (384x512, 137.6 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (115) (683x512, 206.2 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (116) (683x512, 171.1 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (117) (683x512, 200.0 kilobytes) g. The framing has begun (118) (683x512, 156.8 kilobytes)

g. The framing has begun (119) (683x512, 161.6 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (101) (683x512, 121.3 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (102) (384x512, 118.1 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (103) (683x512, 172.9 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (104) (683x512, 171.9 kilobytes)

h. The roof is next (105) (683x512, 180.4 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (106) (683x512, 186.8 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (107) (683x512, 156.6 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (108) (683x512, 145.5 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (109) (384x512, 99.4 kilobytes)

h. The roof is next (110) (384x512, 133.4 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (111) (384x512, 134.1 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (112) (384x512, 110.4 kilobytes) h. The roof is next (113) (683x512, 172.9 kilobytes) i. The Barrel Roof Foyer (101) (683x512, 127.7 kilobytes)

i. The Barrel Roof Foyer (102) (384x512, 77.5 kilobytes) i. The Barrel Roof Foyer (103) (683x512, 123.9 kilobytes) j. Welcome to our new Hone (101) (683x512, 152.1 kilobytes) j. Welcome to our new Hone (102) (683x512, 189.4 kilobytes) j. With Frank and April on the front porch (683x512, 144.6 kilobytes)

k. Lets hope this is true next summer (683x512, 169.0 kilobytes)